Tag: Malnadu stays online

  • Nature stays of Malnad with Unlimited Hospitality Assured

    Nature stays of Malnad with Unlimited Hospitality Assured

    Malnad is traditionally known as the hub for best hospitality. The people of this region are very friendly and from ages are popular among tourists as warm hospitality providers. In the past, tourists used to visit the destinations of Malnad by booking a hotel or simply staying at their relative’s places. Now Malnad hospitality is wide open and available in several formats like homestays, resorts, cottages, and star-category hotels So in other words there are multiple options for your comfortable stay amidst nature in Malnad homestays.

    Malnadu for a weekend getaway

    If you are currently living in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, or any city in India. City life has its limitations and nature is always abundant for human beings. It can teach you, rejuvenate you, relax your mind, and even make you a different person altogether. We need to be open-minded to receive the vibes that are created by nature. Once we learn to experience those enchanting moments of nature then we will start realizing the little and most beautiful things that we would have ignored in the past.

    When is the last time you have seen a sunrise or sunset? When was the last you saw a flower blossom? When was the time you watched an ocean or a river and listened to its music? Don’t remember? Quiet often happens in our rat race for Success in life in our city routines and schedules. The heavenly activities that happen as a routine around us in nature might be very beautiful but we would have not realized its irrevocable value to stop and watch them. As mentioned earlier, the rat race would have made all of us too busy to consider the blissfulness of nature. If you want to take an actual break from all your work and visit nature then you must choose the Malnad region in Karnataka. It’s an overwhelmingly beautiful region with abundant natural resources everywhere.

    Nature has a healing effect on the soul

    Why you should take those relaxing breaks in nature? The reason is very simple, we all crave for peaceful mind that can make us creative and intelligent. Most often we tend to get too busy in our work life which makes us forget about exercising our brain. What if you are offered a weekend stay at a cottage right in the heart of nature where you can take those walks introspecting yourself or sit on the bench near a stream and read books for hours? That is called the blissful holiday experience and nature stays in Malnad region can give you that experience.

    Once these nice moments enter your memory lane it gets engraved and charges your brain and body to become more creative and productive. Many entrepreneurs who holiday with TravelMalnad services have told us in their feedback that it is unique and creative and charges them. This makes us as a team to strive make our services more user-friendly and professional with unique ideas every time you call us or write an email to visit Malnadu.

    Rural tourism promotion

    TravelMalnad portal was the pioneer promoter of Malnad as a destination for domestic and international visitors looking for nature holidays in South India. We get a lot of thinkers, writers, actors, musicians, engineers, doctors, students, agriculturists, businessmen, travel agents, photographers, and journalists to visit Malnad using Travel Malnad Stays. The common feedback received so far shows that they were all relaxed amidst nature. The time they spend in nature stays is made memorable with a team effort including the staff and owners of the properties.

    TravelMalnad is a leading portal for Malenadu Region where you can book your holidays online from any part of the globe. The technology and social presence of the portal have made it reach several travel communities across the globe. We are proud to share with you that we have created hundreds of thousands of happy travelers footprints in Malnadu Karnataka.