The rural tourism in Malnad Region of Karnataka

The youth from rural parts migrate to the cities in search of jobs, livelihood, career and opportunities. Likewise, city dwellers look forward for opportunities to spend time in the rural India. There are age old terms and proverbs which suits this situation better “longing and belonging” & “grass on the other side always looks green”.  The irony of life is; we are constantly in search of ‘something better’ than what we already possess. The idea of completeness for human beings do not come from single element of experiences. It’s a permutation and combination we all try to understand and strive to cultivate in our daily routine.

The rural Karnataka has seen a paradigm shift in employment creation through development of tourism sector, which otherwise was dominated only by agricultural activities. Several people have migrated from cities to rural parts to take part in hospitality services and its allied businesses. Last few years was good for the tourism sector in terms of increase in number of quality hospitality services offered for travelers. Malnad is a prominent region which attracts a huge real estate investments made for hospitality services annually. It is an inclusive growth for rural Maland region as it creates steady jobs and business opportunities for the local people.

Malnad region can be considered as a model region for tourism development and employment creation in Karnataka. The tourist footfall has increased over the years boosting the economy at large and also in creating skilled jobs in this region. The rural parts now receive tourists and there is infrastructure ready to accommodate and provide food services clubbed with other nature activities for the guests. TravelMalnad has been working with hospitality service providers and continuously striving to make the region as one of the most preferred destinations for domestic and international travelers.

You can plan your itinerary with us as per your requirements. There are different duration holiday planners to experience authentic malnad. We recommend you speak to our travel expert who can help you design your holiday. If you are travelling with children and want to show them nature closely there are places and activities designed exclusively for them.